Furbearer Management and Best Management Practices for Trapping

About the Furbearer Management and Best Management Practices for Trapping Program:

The purpose of AFWA's Furbearer Management and Best Management Practices for Trapping Program (BMPs) is to improve regulated trapping by evaluating trapping devices and techniques used for the capture of furbearers and educating those who use traps about the most humane, safe, selective, efficient and practical devices.  Traps are evaluated using standards and protocols developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).  Since the inception of this program in 1997, over 600 trap types have been evaluated for 23 species of furbearers with a North American investment of some $40 million dollars. 

Trapping Matters:

Regulated trapping is used by State, Federal and Tribal agencies to manage wildlife and their habitats, and it provides many benefits to people.  Protecting endangered species during vulnerable life-cycle periods (e.g. sea turtles, island and ground nesting birds), reintroducing populations (e.g., river otters; gray, red and mexican wolves; beavers), scientifically monitoring animal population size and health, providing relief to the public from property damage (e.g., livestock, agriculture, forestry, infrastructure), protecting public health and safety (e.g., rabies, flooding) and insuring that resources are used responsibly are some of the many ways agencies use trapping.  Trapping is highly regulated by agencies through scientifically based laws, rules and regulations that are strictly enforced by wildlife conservation officers.  Animal populations are carfefully monitored with trapping so that trapping does not cause species to become endangered.  In fact,  only abundant species of wildlife are trapped and its use helps promote healthy population levels.  Those who participate in trapping are required to have a trapping or hunting license and education for trappers is provided in all States.  Wildlife biologists, the American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians and the  American Veterinary Medical Association support the use of trapping in wildlife managment, as does the vast majority of the public and many other conservation organizations.

AFWA Staff:

Bryant White