Giving Wings to Cross-Border Waterfowl Conservation

FF-4c-resized.jpgFall Flights is AFWA's powerful partnership program for state fish and wildlife agencies. It helps drive state economies by supporting outdoor recreation, tourism, and hunting opportunities. It advances important local and international conservation goals by making a long-term investment in critical waterfowl habitat conservation work in Canada.

Carrying the torch lit by the North American Waterfowl Management Plan
The backbone of Fall Flights is the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, or NAWMP. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, waterfowl populations were at historic lows. Conservationists recognized the link between breeding habitat conditions in Canada and fall flight numbers in the United States. The NAWMP was formed in 1986. Today, it’s one of the most successful conservation initiatives in the world. 

Making the most of your state agency’s dollars: Fall Flights leverages funding up to four times
State funding through Fall Flights is matched by Ducks Unlimited and leveraged with Canadian contributions and federal funding through the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA).

Fall Flights begins with your state agency investments
State agency investments are the critical first step to creating the multiplier effect that leads to significant conservation of wetlands and associated upland habitats in Canada. NAWCA requires non-federal match at a ratio of at least 1:1, and a minimum of fifty percent of the matching funds used for projects in Canada must originate from sources in the United States. 

Why support waterfowl habitat conservation in Canada?
Safeguarding North America’s waterfowl populations begins in the breeding grounds where wetlands and grasslands in Canada are critical for millions of migratory birds. In fact, up to 70 percent of North America’s waterfowl breed in Canada. 

What is the Fall Flights goal for my state?
AFWA sets a goal for every state to invest in Canadian conservation projects. The table below identifies these goals for investing in continental waterfowl conservation efforts. 

2021 Targets for webpage.jpg

             2021 Fall Flights Task Force Report                 Directors Listening Session Report
               (Click on Report Cover to download)                                                           (Click on Report Cover to download)

           Report Cover Image.png         Listening_Sessions_Report_March_21_2024_pdf.png

Advisory Committee Chair:
Ryan Brown, Director
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

AFWA Staff Contact
Dean Smith