About the National Fish, Wildlife, & Plants Climate Adaptation Network:
The Network supports the diverse, collective voice of the natural resource community on issues related to climate adaptation and is made up of representatives from federal, state, tribal, academic, and non-profit organizations. The mission of the Network is to provide leadership, coordination, and collaboration to navigate change and advance climate adaptation strategies for the fish, wildlife, and plants of the United States. The Network runs the Climate Adaptation Leadership Awards program and continues to promote the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy.
AFWA and the National Fish, Wildlife, & Plants Climate Adaptation Network:
The Network and AFWA's Climate Adaptation Committee are closely linked as the committee chair and vice-chair serve on the Network's Steering Committee in addition to several other committee members who represent the states within the Network. While the committee and its initiatives are state-led and focus on climate adaptation within state fish and wildlife agencies, the Network represents the natural resource community's interests equally and provides a forum that transcends management jurisdictions.
Climate Adaptation Leadership Awards:
The Climate Adaptation Leadership Awards (CALA) recognizes outstanding efforts to increase the resilience of America's valuable living natural resources and the many people, businesses and communities that depend on them. Established in 2016, each year CALA recognizes exemplary leadership by individuals, agencies, businesses, and other organizations to reduce impacts and advance adaptation of the nation's vital natural resources in a changing world.
Learn more about the Awards on the CALA webpage.
National Fish, Wildlife, & Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy:
In response to increasting impacts of climate change and other stressors on America's natural resources, the United States Congress called for the development of a national, government-wide strategy to safeguard fish, wildlife, plants, and the natural systems upon which they depend. With input from a broad range of federal, state, and tribal partners, with active engagement with non-government organizations, industry groups, and private landowners, the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy was released in 2012. The purpose of the Strategy was to inspire and enable natural resource professionals and other decision makers to take action to conserve the nation's fish, wildlife, plants, and ecosystem fucntions, as well as the human uses and values these natural systems provide, in a changing climate.
For inquiries about the Network, CALA, or the Strategy, please email Jacob Blandford, Network Coordinator, at jblandford@fishwildlife.org.