Seth Gordon Award
Recognizing lifetime achievement, the Association's highest honor
1970: Seth Gordon
1971: I.T. Quinn
1972: Dr. Leslie L. Glasgow
1973: Charles D. Harris
1974: Hoyes Lloyd
1975: John S. Gottschalk
1976: Dr. W. Mason Lawrence
1977: Carl N. Crouse
1978; Lester P. Voigt
1979: Chester F. Phelps
1980: John E. "Bud" Phelps
1981: O. Earle Frye, Jr.
1982: Glenn L. Bowers
1983: Charles D. Kelley
1984: Larry Gale
1985: Jack H. Berryman
1986: C.D. Besadny
1987: Russell A. Cookingham
1988: Daniel A. Poole
1989: Robert M. Brantly
1990: Dr. James A. Timmerman, Jr.
1991: Dr. James H. Patterson
1992: Herb Doig
1993: William Molini
1994: Gary Myers
1995: Perry Olson
1996: Jerry Presley
1997: Steve N. Wilson
1998: Roger Holmes
1999: Jerry Conley
2000: R. Max Peterson
2001: Duane Shroufe
2002; Paul Lenzini
2003: David Waller
2004: Robert L. McDowell
2005: Steven A. Williams
2006: Donald E. MacLauchlan
2007: Doug Hansen
2008: John Cooper
2009: David Erickson (MO)
2010: John Frampton (SC)
2011: Rebecca Humphries (DU/MI)
2012: Wayne MacCallum (MA)
2013: David Whitehurst (VA)
2014: Gary Taylor
2015: Dr. Scott Yaich
2016: Dan Forster (GA)
2017: Larry Voyles (AZ)
2018: Keith Sexson (KS)
2019: Ed Carter (TN)
2020: Gordon Myers (NC)
2021: Jim Douglas (NE)
2022: Carter Smith (TX)
2023: Sara Parker Pauley (MO)
2024: None
Lifetime Achievement Award
Recognizes and honors an individual from a NGO who has served and/or supported AFWA and helped impact the advancement of the AFWA agenda as well as to natural resource conservation in their own organization or agency.
2024: Dr. Karen Waldrop (Ducks Unlimited)
John L. Morris Award
Recognizes a citizen conservationist for outstanding leadership and a commitment to large-scale natural resouce challanges.
2012: John L. Morris
2013: Lowell E. Baier
2014: Congressman John Dingell, Jr. (MI)
2015: Larry and Brenda Potterfield
2016: None
2017: John Doerr
2018: Bruce Culpepper
2019: Pete Cimellaro
2020: Dr. Mamie Parker
2021: John Tomke
2022: George Dunklin, Jr
2023: Joan Blankenship
2024: None
Ernest Thompson Seton Award
Honoring an agency and team leader for leadership in scientific wildlife management
1977: Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Oscar Warbach
1978: Ohio Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Dale L. Haney
1979: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency; Individual: Michael O’Malley
1980: Canadian Wildlife Federation; Individual: Kenneth Brynaert
1981: Missouri Department of Conservation; Individual: Clarence E. Billings
1982: Idaho Department of Fish and Game; Individual: Jerry M. Conley
1983: Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Individual: Robert M. Brantly
1984: New York Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish and Wildlife; Individual: Herbert E. Doig
1985: Georgia Game and Fish Division; Individuals: Leonard Ledbetter, Jack Crockford, Leon Kirkland
1986: South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department Conservation Education and Communications Division; Individual: Prescott S. Baines
1988: Saskatchewan Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture; Individual: Wade Luzny
1989: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Individual: Gary C. Matlock
1990: Missouri Department of Conservation; Individual: Jerry J. Presley
1991: U.S. Forest Service; Individual: Robert Nelson
1992: Great Lakes Fishery Commission; Individual: Robert Beecher
1993: Manitoba Wildlife Branch; Individual: Robert Carmichael
1994: Maryland Wildlife Division; Individual: Ron Helinski
1995: None
1996: Arizona Game & Fish Department; Individual: Duane Shroufe
1997: Colorado Division of Wildlife; Individual: John Mumma
1998: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Individual: Andrew Sansom
1999: None
2000 New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife; Individual: Robert McDowell
2001: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency; Individuals: Greg Wathen & Larry Marcum
2002: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife; Individual: Don Kleiner
2003: Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
2004 The Wildlife Services Program of USDA-APHIS; Individual: Bobby R. Acord
2005: Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Wildlife; Individual: Steven A. Gray
2006: Furbearer Conservation Technical Workgroup: Buddy Baker, Gordon Batcheller, Ed Boggess, Cliff Brown; Jay Butfiloski, Larry Cooper, Tom Decker, John Erb, Michael W. Fall, Jesse Garcia, Dave Hamilton, Noel Kinler, Greg Linscombe, Donald MacLauchlan, John Olson, Steve Peterson, John Phelps, Samara Trusso, Greg Waters and Bryant White
2007: Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Rebecca Humphries
2008: Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee; Individual: Dr. Christopher Servheen
2009: None
2010: Wyoming Game & Fish Department; Individual: John Emmerich
2011: South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks; Individual: John Kanta
2012: Alaska Department of Fish and Game; Individual: Tom Paragi
2013: CITES Technical Working Group; Buddy Baker (LA), Bob Broscheid (AZ), Jack Buckley (MA) and Carolyn Caldwell (OH)
2014: Big Hole CCAA, Big Hole Valley, MT
2015: CHANJ Working Group- let by Gretchen Fowles and Brian Zarate (NJ)
2016: Missouri Stream Team Program
2017: Brad Carner and Keith Stephens- Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
2018: Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (SCWDS)
2019: Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s Air Exposure Research and Outreach (AERO) team
2020: Lisa Williams and the Pennsylvania Game Commission
2021: Jason Sumners and the Missouri Department of Conservation
2022: Director Austin Booth and Deputy Director Brad Carner with the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission
2023: Dr. Andrew H. Raedeke with the Missouri Department of Conservation
2024: Colorado Wolf Team with Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Boone and Crockett Award
Honoring an agency and team leader for outstanding achievement in promoting and encouraging programs in outdoor ethics
1987: New York Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish and Wildlife; Individual: Kenneth Wich
1988: Pennsylvania Game Commission; Individual: Glenn L. Bowers
1989: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Ronald H. Nicklaus
1990: Alberta Department of Forestry, Lands and Wildlife; Individual: Tom Bateman
1991: None
1992: None
1993: Ohio Division of Wildlife; Individual: Richard Pierce
1994: New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife; Individual: Patrick Carr
1995: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Individual: Mik Mikitik
1996: Missouri Department of Conservation; Individual: Jerry J. Presley
1997: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Steve Miller
1998: Wyoming Game and Fish Department; Individual: Gary Brown
1999: None
2000: Arizona Game and Fish Commission; Individual: Director Duane Shroufe
2001: None
2002: Alabama Division of Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries
2003: None
2004: The Landowner Relations Program Staff, Arizona Game and Fish Department
2005: None
2006: Colorado Division of Wildlife: Individual: Jim Bulger
2007: Arizona Game and Fish Department; Individual: Joe Sacco
2008: None
2009: Wyoming Game and Fish Department; Individual: Mark Bruscino
2010: None
2011: Arizona Game & Fish Department, Hunting and Angling Heritage Work Group; Individual: Craig McMullen
2012: None
2013: Wyoming Game & Fish Department Wildlife Forensic and Fish Health Laboratory; Individual: DeeDee Hawk
2014: None
2015: None
2016: None
2017: Keith Warnke, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2018: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
2019: Arizona Game & Fish Department, Doug Burt
2020:Jim Posewitz and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
2021: Arizona Game & Fish Department's Fair Chase Committee
2022: None
2023: Nicole Nichols, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
2024: None
Mark J. Reeff Award
Recognizing distinguished, young wildlife management professionals
2001: Ryan Amundsen
2002: Nancy Harrison
2003: Thomas Eason
2004: Thomas O’Shea
2005: Joshua Avey
2006: Mitch Lockwood
2007: Tim Holtz
2008: Stephanie M. Carman (NM)
2009: Shannon Hanna (MI)
2010: Cristy Gayle Burch (TX)
2011: Kellie Tharp (AZ)
2012: None
2013: Chris Wynn (FL)
2014: Christopher Penne (UT)
2015: Claire Sunquist Blunder (FL)
2016: Davia Palmeri (AFWA)
2017: Tasha Bauman (WY)
2018: Devin DeMario (AFWA)
2019: Samantha Pedder (CAHSS)
2020: Mike Ervin, Ohio Division of Wildlife
2021: Kelly Adams, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
2022: Dr. Nicole Angeli, U.S. Virgin Islands
2023: Justin Grider, Alabama Wildlife & Fisheries Division
2024: Meagan Thomas, Virginia Dept of Wildlife Resources
Conservation Law Enforcement Award
Recognize exceptional achievements in fish and wildlife resource enforcement
2001: Timothy Peabody, Maine Warden Service
2002: Michael Stockdale, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
2003: Glenn Smith, Colorado Division of Wildlife
2004: The Special Operations Unit of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
2005: Wyoming Game and Fish Department Forensic Laboratory
2006: Colorado Division of Wildlife
2007: Michigan Department of Natural Resources Commercial Fisheries Unit
2008: Jeff Finn, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
2009: Brad M. Hadley, Missouri Department of Conservation
2010: Lt. Richard Thomas and Investigator Dan Sullivan, "Operation Shellshock," New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Law Enforcement Division
2011: None
2012: Officer Jeffery Milner, Indiana Department of Natural Resources
2013: Officer Timothy Wenrich, Pennsylvania Game Commission
2014: Officer Lee Lawshe, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
2015: Conservation Ranger Corporal Greg Wade (GA)
2016: South Carolina Department of Natural Resources- Law Enforcement Public Relations
2017: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish- Field Operations Division
2018: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement, South Region Bravo
2019: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement Port Investigations Team
2020: Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources’ Special Operations Unit
2021: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement’s Southern Surge Task Force
2022: Marine Warden Patrick (Mike) Neal with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2023: Virginia Office of Professional Standards (OPS) Advisory Council
2024: West Virginia Natural Resources Police Section, District IV
Private Lands Fish and Wildlife Stewardship Award
Honoring an individual- or family-run farm, ranch or forest operation that has incorporated proactive conservation and environmental protection practices
2003: Babbitt Ranch
2004: El Coronado Ranch
2005: Kimbell Farm
2006: Las Vegas Ranch
2007: Cowls Lumber (MA)
2008: Longino Ranch (FL)
2009: Col. Wallace N. Weber (KS)
2010: Bamberger Ranch (TX)
2011: Alexander Ranch (KS)
2012: Jim O'Haco (AZ)
2013: Jim Faulstich, Daybreak Ranch (SD)
2014: Gio Martorana, Martorana Family Winery & Vineyards (CA)
2015: None
2016: Blue Valley Ranch
2017: Maggie Creek Ranch
2018: Dr. Kent Forney, Forney Rancy
2019: Nelson J. Roach, Couch Mountain Ranch
2020: Doug Moore, South Prong Plantation (FL)
2021: Ian Tomlinson, Vera Earl Ranch (AZ)
2022: Albert Sommers, Sommers Ranch (WY)
2023: Josiah Austin and the Cienega Ranch (AZ)
2024: Terry Schmidt and the Schmidt Ranch (AZ)
Stephen Kellert Award
Recognizes a distinguished individual or group effort for outstanding service in advancing connections between humans and the natural world to all peoples in a diverse and inclusive manner
2019: Crystal Egli (CO)
2020: Wildlife on WiFi (WoW), Pennsylvania Game Commission
2021: Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Public Affairs and Marketing Teams
2022: Dr. Elsa Haubold, USFWS
2023: Tom Wilcox, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
2024: Texas Master Naturalist Program
Gary Taylor Award
Recognizes a distinguished individual for outstanding achievement in the field of public conservation policy, specifically related to state fish and wildlife agency jurisdiction over fish and wildlife management
2019: Anna Seidman (SCI)
2020: Jim Odenkirk, Arizona Game and Fish Department
2022: Jen Mock Schaeffer (former AFWA)
2023: none
2024: Sean Saville (former AFWA/Alliance for America's Fish & Wildlife)
Special Recognition Awards
Recognizing individuals who distinguished themselves with an outstanding commitment ot the work of the Association
1990: Eldridge G. “Red” Hunt; Carl R. Sullivan
1991: Allen L. Farris; Laurence R. Jahn
1992: Jack Lorenz; Ross W. Melinchuk; Donald E. MacLauchlan
1993: Chester F. Phelps; Steven A. Lewis
1994: Robert L. Miles; Conley L. Moffett
1995: Doug Pollock; Glenn L. Bowers
1996: None
1997: Mark J. Reeff
1998: Greg Linscombe
1999: Spencer Amend
2000: Gary Doxtater; Ray Evans; Tom Niebauer; Victor F. Nettles; Bruce Taubert
2001: Terry Johnson; Gordon Robertson; Rick Tischaefer; Robert Carmichael
2002: George Meyer; Mike Gibson; Larry McSwain; Ollie Torgerson; Richard McCabe; James Christenson; Bruce Morrison; Douglas Pollock; John Baughman; Naomi Edelson
2003: Mike Budzik; Patrick Ruble; Chris McKay; Sheila Kemmis
2004: Richard Bishop; Steven Miller; Jim Patton
2005: John Fischer
2006: Carol Bambery; Bruce Knight; Matt Robus
2007: Charlie Baxter; Gary Taylor
2008: Dale Hall (USFWS); Larry Riley (AZ); George Vandel (SD); Dave Nomsen (PF); Angela Nelson (AFWA)
2009: Michael Berger (TX); Dr. Michael Fall (APHIS); Glen Salmon (IN); Virgil Moore (ID); Ken Haddad (FL); Mark Shaffer (Doris Duke Charitable Foundation)
2010: Christopher Estes (AK); Dr. Robert Blohm (USFWS); Dr. Sally Guynn (AFWA); Jay McAninch (ATA)
2011: Jack Buckley (MA); Randy Stark (WI); Susan-Marie Stedman (NOAA); Dave White (NRCS)
2012: Steve Sharon (WY); Hannibal Bolton (WSFR); Rocky Beach (WA)
2013: Cal DuBrock (PA GC); Stephen Perry (ret. NH)
2014: Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI); Mike Harris (GA/USFWS); Steve Leggans (USFWS); Cindy Delaney (Delaney Meetings & Event Management)
2015: Judy Stokes Weber (NH)
2016: Roy Grimes (NASP); Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance
2017: Chris Segal (AFWA Legal Strategy Team/Lowell E. Baier Law); Dr. Steve Kellert (Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies)
2018: Dr. Stephen Torbit (USFWS); Peurto Rican Parrot Recovery Program (USFWS); Congressman Jeff Fortenberry and Congresswoman Debbie Dingell
2019: Stephanie Hussey (RBFF); Chris Parish (The Peregrine Fund)
2020: Collin O’Mara (NWF), Jeff Crane (CSF), Miles Moretti, Chuck Kowaleski, Steve Sheriff, and the National R3 (Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation of Hunters and Anglers) Implementation Workgroup
2021: Frank Peterson (RBFF); Paul Rauch (WSFR-USFWS)
2022: Paul Johansen (WVDNR); Jenifer Wisniewski (TWRA); Gary Whelan (Michigan DNR); Becky Humphries (NWFT); Howard Vincent (PF/QF)
2023: Megan Wisecup (Iowa DNR); Silvana Yaroschuk (AFWA), and Thomas Decker (USFWS)
2024: Richard Aiken (USFWS- Office of Conservation Investment), The Assessment Group (TAG)
Honorary Life Members
Elected by the Association for lifetime AFWA membership for distinguished service in the cause of conservation administration
1983: John Gottschalk*; W. Mason Lawrence*; Les Voigt*
1984: Dan Poole; Pete Petoskey; Bob Jantzen*
1985: Chester Phelps*; John Phelps*; Glenn Bowers
1986: Wes Hayden*
1987: Bill Huey
1988: Jack Berryman*
1989: Charles Kelley
1990: Jim Patterson*
1991: Paul Lenzini; Larry Jahn*
1992: None
1993: C.D. “Buzz” Besadny*
1994: None
1995: None
1996: Herb Doig
1997: James Timmerman*
1998: Johnnie W. Tarver; William A. Molini
1999: None
2000: Wayne F. MacCullum
2001: Patrick J. Graham; John W. Mumma; George E. Meyer
2002: None
2003: R. Max Peterson
2004: Richard Bishop; Robert Carmichael; G. Brent Manning; Robert L. McDowell; Gary T. Myers
2005: None
2006: Wayne Regelin; Bruce Taubert; John Baughman
2007: John Cooper; Terry Crawforth; Tom Bennett; Brent Manning; Ed Parker
2008: None
2009: None
2010: None
2011: Corky Pugh (AL); Terry Johnson (AZ); Rex Amack (NE)
2012: Past Presidents automatically receive honorary lifetime memberships - Jeff Vonk (SD)
2013: Dan Forster (GA)
AFWA Staff Contact
Patricia Allen
Seth Gordon Award: Recognizing lifetime achievement, the Association's highest honor
1970: Seth Gordon
1971: I.T. Quinn
1972: Dr. Leslie L. Glasgow
1973: Charles D. Harris
1974: Hoyes Lloyd
1975: John S. Gottschalk
1976: Dr. W. Mason Lawrence
1977: Carl N. Crouse
1978; Lester P. Voigt
1979: Chester F. Phelps
1980: John E. "Bud" Phelps
1981: O. Earle Frye, Jr.
1982: Glenn L. Bowers
1983: Charles D. Kelley
1984: Larry Gale
1985: Jack H. Berryman
1986: C.D. Besadny
1987: Russell A. Cookingham
1988: Daniel A. Poole
1989: Robert M. Brantly
1990: Dr. James A. Timmerman, Jr.
1991: Dr. James H. Patterson
1992: Herb Doig
1993: William Molini
1994: Gary Myers
1995: Perry Olson
1996: Jerry Presley
1997: Steve N. Wilson
1998: Roger Holmes
1999: Jerry Conley
2000: R. Max Peterson
2001: Duane Shroufe
2002; Paul Lenzini
2003: David Waller
2004: Robert L. McDowell
2005: Steven A. Williams
2006: Donald E. MacLauchlan
2007: Doug Hansen
2008: John Cooper
2009: David Erickson (MO)
2010: John Frampton (SC)
2011: Rebecca Humphries (DU/MI)
2012: Wayne MacCallum (MA)
2013: David Whitehurst (VA)
2014: Gary Taylor
2015: Dr. Scott Yaich
2016: Dan Forster (GA)
2017: Larry Voyles (AZ)
2018: Keith Sexson (KS)
2019: Ed Carter (TN)
2020: Gordon Myers (NC)
2021: Jim Douglas (NE)
2022: Carter Smith (TX)
2023: Sara Parker Pauley (MO)
2024: None
AFWA Lifetime Achievement Award
2024: Dr. Karen Waldrop (Ducks Unlimited)
John L. Morris Award: Recognizes a citizen conservationist for outstanding leadership and a commitment to large-scale natural resource challenges.
2012: John L. Morris
2013: Lowell E. Baier
2014: Congressman John Dingell, Jr. (MI)
2015: Larry and Brenda Potterfield
2016: None
2017: John Doerr
2018: Bruce Culpepper
2019: Pete Cimellaro
2020: Dr. Mamie Parker
2021: John Tomke
2022: George Dunklin, Jr
2023: Joan Blankenship
2024: None
Ernest Thompson Seton Award: Honoring an agency and team leader for leadership in scientific wildlife management
1977: Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Oscar Warbach
1978: Ohio Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Dale L. Haney
1979: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency; Individual: Michael O’Malley
1980: Canadian Wildlife Federation; Individual: Kenneth Brynaert
1981: Missouri Department of Conservation; Individual: Clarence E. Billings
1982: Idaho Department of Fish and Game; Individual: Jerry M. Conley
1983: Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Individual: Robert M. Brantly
1984: New York Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish and Wildlife; Individual: Herbert E. Doig
1985: Georgia Game and Fish Division; Individuals: Leonard Ledbetter, Jack Crockford, Leon Kirkland
1986: South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department Conservation Education and Communications Division; Individual: Prescott S. Baines
1988: Saskatchewan Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture; Individual: Wade Luzny
1989: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Individual: Gary C. Matlock
1990: Missouri Department of Conservation; Individual: Jerry J. Presley
1991: U.S. Forest Service; Individual: Robert Nelson
1992: Great Lakes Fishery Commission; Individual: Robert Beecher
1993: Manitoba Wildlife Branch; Individual: Robert Carmichael
1994: Maryland Wildlife Division; Individual: Ron Helinski
1995: None
1996: Arizona Game & Fish Department; Individual: Duane Shroufe
1997: Colorado Division of Wildlife; Individual: John Mumma
1998: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Individual: Andrew Sansom
1999: None
2000 New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife; Individual: Robert McDowell
2001: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency; Individuals: Greg Wathen & Larry Marcum
2002: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife; Individual: Don Kleiner
2003: Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
2004 The Wildlife Services Program of USDA-APHIS; Individual: Bobby R. Acord
2005: Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Wildlife; Individual: Steven A. Gray
2006: Furbearer Conservation Technical Workgroup: Buddy Baker, Gordon Batcheller, Ed Boggess, Cliff Brown; Jay Butfiloski, Larry Cooper, Tom Decker, John Erb, Michael W. Fall, Jesse Garcia, Dave Hamilton, Noel Kinler, Greg Linscombe, Donald MacLauchlan, John Olson, Steve Peterson, John Phelps, Samara Trusso, Greg Waters and Bryant White
2007: Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Rebecca Humphries
2008: Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee; Individual: Dr. Christopher Servheen
2009: None
2010: Wyoming Game & Fish Department; Individual: John Emmerich
2011: South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks; Individual: John Kanta
2012: Alaska Department of Fish and Game; Individual: Tom Paragi
2013: CITES Technical Working Group; Buddy Baker (LA), Bob Broscheid (AZ), Jack Buckley (MA) and Carolyn Caldwell (OH)
2014: Big Hole CCAA, Big Hole Valley, MT
2015: CHANJ Working Group- let by Gretchen Fowles and Brian Zarate (NJ)
2016: Missouri Stream Team Program
2017: Brad Carner and Keith Stephens- Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
2018: Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (SCWDS)
2019: Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s Air Exposure Research and Outreach (AERO) team
2020: Lisa Williams and the Pennsylvania Game Commission
2021: Jason Sumners and the Missouri Department of Conservation
2022: Director Austin Booth and Deputy Director Brad Carner with the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission
2023: Dr. Andrew H. Raedeke with the Missouri Department of Conservation
2024: Colorado Wolf Team with Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Boone and Crockett Club Award: Honoring an agency and team leader for outstanding achievement in promoting and encouraging programs in outdoor ethics
1987: New York Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish and Wildlife; Individual: Kenneth Wich
1988: Pennsylvania Game Commission; Individual: Glenn L. Bowers
1989: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Ronald H. Nicklaus
1990: Alberta Department of Forestry, Lands and Wildlife; Individual: Tom Bateman
1991: None
1992: None
1993: Ohio Division of Wildlife; Individual: Richard Pierce
1994: New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife; Individual: Patrick Carr
1995: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Individual: Mik Mikitik
1996: Missouri Department of Conservation; Individual: Jerry J. Presley
1997: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Individual: Steve Miller
1998: Wyoming Game and Fish Department; Individual: Gary Brown
1999: None
2000: Arizona Game and Fish Commission; Individual: Director Duane Shroufe
2001: None
2002: Alabama Division of Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries
2003: None
2004: The Landowner Relations Program Staff, Arizona Game and Fish Department
2005: None
2006: Colorado Division of Wildlife: Individual: Jim Bulgar
2007: Arizona Game and Fish Department; Individual: Joe Sacco
2008: None
2009: Wyoming Game and Fish Department; Individual: Mark Bruscino
2010: None
2011: Arizona Game & Fish Department, Hunting and Angling Heritage Work Group; Individual: Craig McMullen
2012: None
2013: Wyoming Game & Fish Department Wildlife Forensic and Fish Health Laboratory; Individual: DeeDee Hawk
2014: None
2015: None
2016: None
2017: Keith Warnke, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2018: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
2019: Arizona Game & Fish Department, Doug Burt
2020:Jim Posewitz and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
2021: Arizona Game & Fish Department's Fair Chase Committee
2022: None
2023: Nicole Nichols, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
2024: None
Mark J. Reeff Award: Recognizing distinguished, young wildlife management professionals
2001: Ryan Amundsen
2002: Nancy Harrison
2003: Thomas Eason
2004: Thomas O’Shea
2005: Joshua Avey
2006: Mitch Lockwood
2007: Tim Holtz
2008: Stephanie M. Carman (NM)
2009: Shannon Hanna (MI)
2010: Cristy Gayle Burch (TX)
2011: Kellie Tharp (AZ)
2012: None
2013: Chris Wynn (FL)
2014: Christopher Penne (UT)
2015: Claire Sunquist Blunder (FL)
2016: Davia Palmeri (AFWA)
2017: Tasha Bauman (WY)
2018: Devin DeMario (AFWA)
2019: Samantha Pedder (CAHSS)
2020: Mike Ervin, Ohio Division of Wildlife
2021: Kelly Adams, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
2022: Dr. Nicole Angeli, U.S. Virgin Islands
2023: Justin Grider, Alabama Wildlife & Fisheries Division
2024: Meagan Thomas, Virginia Dept of Wildlife Resources
Conservation Law Enforcement Award: Recognize exceptional achievements in fish and wildlife resource enforcement
2001: Timothy Peabody, Maine Warden Service
2002: Michael Stockdale, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
2003: Glenn Smith, Colorado Division of Wildlife
2004: The Special Operations Unit of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
2005: Wyoming Game and Fish Department Forensic Laboratory
2006: Colorado Division of Wildlife
2007: Michigan Department of Natural Resources Commercial Fisheries Unit
2008: Jeff Finn, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
2009: Brad M. Hadley, Missouri Department of Conservation
2010: Lt. Richard Thomas and Investigator Dan Sullivan, "Operation Shellshock," New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Law Enforcement Division
2011: None
2012: Officer Jeffery Milner, Indiana Department of Natural Resources
2013: Officer Timothy Wenrich, Pennsylvania Game Commission
2014: Officer Lee Lawshe, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
2015: Conservation Ranger Corporal Greg Wade (GA)
2016: South Carolina Department of Natural Resources- Law Enforcement Public Relations
2017: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish- Field Operations Division
2018: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement, South Region Bravo
2019: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement Port Investigations Team
2020: Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources’ Special Operations Unit
2021: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement’s Southern Surge Task Force
2022: Marine Warden Patrick (Mike) Neal with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2023: Virginia Office of Professional Standards (OPS) Advisory Council
2024: West Virginia Natural Resources Police Section, District IV
Private Lands Fish and Wildlife Stewardship Award: Honoring an individual- or family-run farm, ranch or forest operation that has incorporated proactive conservation and environmental protection practices
2003: Babbitt Ranch
2004: El Coronado Ranch
2005: Kimbell Farm
2006: Las Vegas Ranch
2007: Cowls Lumber (MA)
2008: Longino Ranch (FL)
2009: Col. Wallace N. Weber (KS)
2010: Bamberger Ranch (TX)
2011: Alexander Ranch (KS)
2012: Jim O'Haco (AZ)
2013: Jim Faulstich, Daybreak Ranch (SD)
2014: Gio Martorana, Martorana Family Winery & Vineyards (CA)
2015: None
2016: Blue Valley Ranch
2017: Maggie Creek Ranch
2018: Dr. Kent Forney, Forney Ranch
2019: Nelson J. Roach, Couch Mountain Ranch
2020: Doug Moore, South Prong Plantation (FL)
2021: Ian Tomlinson, Vera Earl Ranch (AZ)
2022: Albert Sommers, Sommers Ranch (WY)
2023: Josiah Austin and the Cienega Ranch (AZ)
2024: Terry Schmidt and the Schmidt Ranch (AZ)
Stephen Kellert Award
2019: Crystal Egli (CO)
2020: Wildlife on WiFi (WoW), Pennsylvania Game Commission
2021: Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Public Affairs and Marketing Teams
2022: Dr. Elsa Haubold, USFWS
2023: Tom Wilcox, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
2024: Texas Master Naturalist Program
Gary Taylor Award
2019: Anna Seidman (SCI)
2020: Jim Odenkirk, Arizona Game and Fish Department
2022: Jen Mock Schaeffer (former AFWA)
2023: None
2024: Sean Saville (former AFWA/Alliance for America's Fish & Wildlife)
Special Recognition Awards: Recognizing individuals who distinguished themselves with an outstanding commitment ot the work of the Association
1990: Eldridge G. “Red” Hunt; Carl R. Sullivan
1991: Allen L. Farris; Laurence R. Jahn
1992: Jack Lorenz; Ross W. Melinchuk; Donald E. MacLauchlan
1993: Chester F. Phelps; Steven A. Lewis
1994: Robert L. Miles; Conley L. Moffett
1995: Doug Pollock; Glenn L. Bowers
1996: None
1997: Mark J. Reeff
1998: Greg Linscombe
1999: Spencer Amend
2000: Gary Doxtater; Ray Evans; Tom Niebauer; Victor F. Nettles; Bruce Taubert
2001: Terry Johnson; Gordon Robertson; Rick Tischaefer; Robert Carmichael
2002: George Meyer; Mike Gibson; Larry McSwain; Ollie Torgerson; Richard McCabe; James Christenson; Bruce Morrison; Douglas Pollock; John Baughman; Naomi Edelson
2003: Mike Budzik; Patrick Ruble; Chris McKay; Sheila Kemmis
2004: Richard Bishop; Steven Miller; Jim Patton
2005: John Fischer
2006: Carol Bambery; Bruce Knight; Matt Robus
2007: Charlie Baxter; Gary Taylor
2008: Dale Hall (USFWS); Larry Riley (AZ); George Vandel (SD); Dave Nomsen (PF); Angela Nelson (AFWA)
2009: Michael Berger (TX); Dr. Michael Fall (APHIS); Glen Salmon (IN); Virgil Moore (ID); Ken Haddad (FL); Mark Shaffer (Doris Duke Charitable Foundation)
2010: Christopher Estes (AK); Dr. Robert Blohm (USFWS); Dr. Sally Guynn (AFWA); Jay McAninch (ATA)
2011: Jack Buckley (MA); Randy Stark (WI); Susan-Marie Stedman (NOAA); Dave White (NRCS)
2012: Steve Sharon (WY); Hannibal Bolton (WSFR); Rocky Beach (WA)
2013: Cal DuBrock (PA GC); Stephen Perry (ret. NH)
2014: Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI); Mike Harris (GA/USFWS); Steve Leggans (USFWS); Cindy Delaney (Delaney Meetings & Event Management)
2015: Judy Stokes Weber (NH)
2016: Roy Grimes (NASP); Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance
2017: Chris Segal (AFWA Legal Strategy Team/Lowell E. Baier Law); Dr. Steve Kellert (Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies)
2018: Dr. Stephen Torbit (USFWS); Puerto Rican Parrot Recovery Program; Congressman Jeff Fortenberry and Congresswoman Debbie Dingell
2019: Stephanie Hussey (RBFF) and Chris Parish (The Peregrine Fund)
2020: Collin O’Mara (NWF), Jeff Crane (CSF), Miles Moretti, Chuck Kowaleski, Steve Sheriff, and the National R3 (Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation of Hunters and Anglers) Implementation Workgroup
2021: Frank Peterson (RBFF); Paul Rauch (WSFR-USFWS)
2022: Paul Johansen (WVDNR); Jenifer Wisniewski (TWRA); Gary Whelan (Michigan DNR); Becky Humphries (NWFT); Howard Vincent (PF/QF)
2023: Megan Wisecup (Iowa DNR); Silvana Yaroschuk (AFWA), and Thomas Decker (USFWS)
2024: Richard Aiken (USFWS- Office of Conservation Investment), and The Assessment Group (TAG).
Honorary Life Members: Elected by the Association for lifetime AFWA membership for distinguished service in the cause of conservation administration
1983: John Gottschalk*; W. Mason Lawrence*; Les Voigt*
1984: Dan Poole; Pete Petoskey; Bob Jantzen*
1985: Chester Phelps*; John Phelps*; Glenn Bowers
1986: Wes Hayden*
1987: Bill Huey
1988: Jack Berryman*
1989: Charles Kelley
1990: Jim Patterson*
1991: Paul Lenzini; Larry Jahn*
1992: None
1993: C.D. “Buzz” Besadny*
1994: None
1995: None
1996: Herb Doig
1997: James Timmerman*
1998: Johnnie W. Tarver; William A. Molini
1999: None
2000: Wayne F. MacCullum
2001: Patrick J. Graham; John W. Mumma; George E. Meyer
2002: None
2003: R. Max Peterson
2004: Richard Bishop; Robert Carmichael; G. Brent Manning; Robert L. McDowell; Gary T. Myers
2005: None
2006: Wayne Regelin; Bruce Taubert; John Baughman
2007: John Cooper; Terry Crawforth; Tom Bennett; Brent Manning; Ed Parker
2008: None
2009: None
2010: None
2011: Corky Pugh (AL); Terry Johnson (AZ); Rex Amack (NE)
2012: Past Presidents automatically receive honorary lifetime memberships - Jeff Vonk (SD)
2013: Dan Forster (GA)