State Wildlife Action Plans serve as the nation's blueprints for proactively conserving fish and wildlife to prevent species from becoming endangered. In 2005, each state, territory, and the District of Columbia submitted its first State Wildlife Action Plan for approval to the US Fish and Wildlife Service as a condition for receiving federal funding through the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants program. The Plans identified over 12,000 Species in Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN), which includes federal and state threatened and endangered species and other rare or declining species. The Plans describe the habitats important to SGCN, key threats, needed conservation actions, and research and monitoring plans. Agencies are required to coordinate with state, federal, tribal, and local agencies and provide opportunities for public input. The Plans are developed in collaboration with leading scientists, conservation organizations, private landowners, and interested members of the public. Each Plan must address 8 Required Elements to be approved and must undergo a major review and revision at least once every ten years. Most agencies will complete their second major review and revision in 2025.
Completion of the Plans was historic and marked the first time in U.S. history for coast-to-coast comprehensive planning for fish and wildlife. On average, agencies receive less than $1 million annually to implement the Plans. A survey by Southwick and Associates in 2015, estimated that $1.3 billion in federal funding is needed annually for implementation. The Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America's Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources recommended that Congress invest $1.3 billion annually to implement the Plans using existing royalties and fees from the development of energy and mineral resources on federal lands and water. This led to the introduction of the Recovering America's Wildlife Act in the U.S. Congress in 2016 and in Congress since then.
Links to State Wildlife Action Plans: | Alabama | Alaska | American Samoa | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | District of Columbia | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa| Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | Northern Mariana Islands | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Virgin Islands Link 1 & Link 2 | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming |
State Wildlife Action Plan Resources:
State Wildlife Action Plan Eight Required Elements
State Wildlife Action Plan Fact Sheet (Nov 2024)
State Wildlife Action Plan Digital Revision Interim Guidance
Voluntary Tribal Guidance for SWAPs (new)
Voluntary Climate Adaptation Guidance for SWAPs
SWAP and Landscape Conservation Framework
Guidance to Add Plants to SWAPs
List of States that Include Plants in SWAP
Best Practices for Plan Review and Revision
Review and Revision Guidance
Paper: SWAPs Offer Opportunities for Pollinators
SGCN Priority Tier Reference Guide (SEAFWA)
Message Triangle
USGS Freshwater Mussel Workshop Report (2024)
Missouri SWAP Lessons Learned PPT
Florida SWAP Lessons Learned PPT
Report: Working Together To Prevent Endangered Species
Related Resources
SWAP & Connectivity Report (June 2024)
The State and Wildlife Grant Program: 20 Years of Conservation Success (published Sept 2020)
Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America's Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources
Investing in Wildlife: State Wildlife Funding Campaigns (Summary)
Investing in Wildlife: State Wildlife Funding Campaigns (Full Report)
MOU between AFWA, USFWS, DOD for Cooperative and Integrated Management on Department of Defense Installations
AFWA Contact:
Mark Humpert, Conservation Initiatives Director
USGS Species of Greatest Conservation Need Database
Link to Forest Action Plans
USFWS Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
Dept of Defense SIKES Act Guidance
SEAFWA SGCN Database Resources
Northeast State Wildlife Action Plan Resources
Northeast Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Northeast Lexicon
Northeast Conservation Synthesis
2015 Northeast SWAP Database (updated soon)
State Wildlife Action Plan Learning Series Notes
Learning Series #1 (Tribal Engagement)
Learning Series #2 (Climate Adaptation)
Learning Series #3 (Renewable Energy)
Learning Series #4 (NatureServe Tools)
Learning Series #5 (Equitable Engagement)
Learning Series #6 (Landscape Conservation)
Learning Series #7 (RAWA Ready)
Learning Series #8 (Wildlife Corridors)
Learning Series #9 (Open Forum)
Learning Series #10 (FWS Planning)
Learning Series #11 (Bat Conservation)
Learning Series #12 (Fish & Wildlife Health)
Learning Series #13 (Open Forum)
Learning Series #14 (SGCN)
Learning Series #15 (Virtual SWAPs)
Learning Series #16 (Private Lands)
Learning Series #17 (Social Science)
Learning Series #18 (Full Lifecycle Bird Conservation)
Learning Series #19 (Open Forum)