Invasive Species Committee

Committee Charge

To provide a national forum for exchange of information and to identify and coordinate needs and actions among state, federal, and tribal agencies, NGOs, and other stakeholders to strategically address high priority invasive species threats and to promote sound policies.

Committee Focus

  • Amend the Lacey Act to Prevent Trade and Introduction of Injurious Species Amend the Lacey Act, extending its provisions to combat invasive and injurious species crossing state borders while preserving state jurisdictional authority.
  • OneHealth and Zoonotic Disease Prevention Strengthen the OneHealth initiative by incorporating state agency expertise and resources into partnerships and planning, with particular focus on preventing current and emerging zoonotic diseases.

Recent Webinars

Committee Contact Information:
Kerry Wixted

Committee Chair:
Nicole Angeli, PhD, Director, U.S. Virgin Islands Division of Fish and Wildlife

Committee Vice-Chair:
Kim Bogenschutz, Iowa Department of Natural Resources