Browse the product catalog below for products that support the Project WILD curriculum.

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Climate & Wildlife Module

Climate & Wildlife Module

Price: $23.86

Teaching about climate change presents several challenges for educators. The subject matter is complex and often abstract, it expands across academic subject areas, and it is emotionally charged. This module was assembled as a supplemental resource to better equip educators in their efforts to build students' understanding, critical thinking, and ability to make well-informed decisions regarding impacts of climate change and how we will adapt to a changing climate. With wildlife as a focal point to build student interest and relevancy, the activities in this module will help students examine ecological phenomena relating to a changing climate. The set of activities are primarily from the Project WILD K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide, as well as one from Aquatic WILD and one from Flying WILD. The activities target students in grades 6-12. Upper elementary educators will also find several activities useful. 

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Creciendo WILD

Creciendo WILD

Price: $46.19

Creciendo WILD Edades 3-7 años 

Creciendo WILD está escrito íntegramente en español.

Creciendo WILD es un programa de educación de la primera infancia que se basa en el sentido de asombro de los niños por la naturaleza y los invita a explorar la vida silvestre y el mundo que los rodea. A través de una amplia gama de actividades y experiencias, Creciendo WILD ofrece una base temprana para desarrollo impresiones positivas sobre la naturaleza y habilidades sociales y académicas para toda la vida.


Creciendo WILD Ages 3-7 Guide

Creciendo WILD is written entirely in Spanish.

Creciendo WILD is an early childhood education program that builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them. Through a wide range of activities and experiences, Creciendo WILD provides an early foundation for developing positive impressions about nature and lifelong social and academic skills.

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Flying WILD - Birds Across the Curriculum

Flying WILD - Birds Across the Curriculum

Price: $23.10

Introduce upper elementary and middle level students to the fascinating subject of birds. Flying WILD uses topics around bird migration, stewardship, adaptations, and habitat to engage learners' interest in standards-based classroom activities and environmental stewardship projects. Flying WILD's award winning content is thoroughly tested and standards aligned. For more information, go to

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Growing Up WILD: Exploring Nature with Young Children

Growing Up WILD: Exploring Nature with Young Children

Price: $46.18

Designed for educators of children ages 3-7, Growing Up WILD builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature through outdoor exploration and 27 field-tested lessons that include over 400 experiences to share with students. These experiences involve concepts in science, math, vocabulary, art, music and movement, health and safety, and nutrition, and other subjects. The curriculum is aligned with NAEYC standards, the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework, and the USDA's MyPlate guidelines for child nutrition. The second edition of this guide, released November 2020, has been reformatted to 8.5" x 11".


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Online Donations

Online Donations

minimum $7.00

Thank you for your tax-deductable donation!

America's fish and wildlife belong to all of us. Conserving and preventing the exploitation of these vital resources - on both public and private lands and waters within our borders - is critical to the well being of our nation and beyond. Thank you for contributing to the efforts of the AFWA!

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Science and Civics: Sustaining Wildlife

Science and Civics: Sustaining Wildlife

Price: $10.30

Science and Civics: Sustaining Wildlife provides educators with activities and action projects for involving high school students in stewardship efforts targeting local wildlife found in a community. The program involves students in decisions affecting people, wildlife, and their shared habitat in the community. 

Note: This is a black and white PDF download. Download file after purchase.

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Wildlife Resources and Conservation in North America: An Educational Guide

Wildlife Resources and Conservation in North America: An Educational Guide

Price: $8.41

Expanding upon the classic Project WILD activity, "Oh Deer!", this supplemental guide goes deeper into the concept of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. With three additional activities and assessments, this supplemental guide will guide your students through the conept of how wildlife is managed in the United States. Activities are:

  • The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation
  • The Public Trust Doctrine
  • Conservation Funding Today: User-Pay, Public Benefit
  • Bonus activity: Oh Deer! A Study in population Dynamics

The guide is free - pay only shipping and handling costs. Please allow 14 business days for delivery.

Please allow 14 business days for delivery.

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