§ 1.2o. “Take” means hunt, shoot, pursue, lure, kill, destroy, capture, gig or spear, trap or ensnare, harass, or to attempt to do so.
(t) “Take” means harass, harm, pursue, shoot, wound, kill, molest, trap, capture, collect, catch, possess or otherwise take, or attempt to engage in any such conduct.
(38) “Take” includes pursue, shoot, hunt, wound, catch, kill, trap, snare, or capture wildlife in any way and any lesser act designed to lure, attract, or entice for these purposes; and to place, set, aim, or use any device...
“Taking” means pursuing, shooting, killing, capturing, trapping, snaring, angling, spearing, or netting wild animals, or placing, setting, drawing, or using a net, trap, or other device to take wild animals...
Take means to harass, wound, hunt, trap, fish, harvest fur, or attempt to harass, wound, hunt, trap, fish, or harvest fur.
The words “to take” and their derivatives, “took,” “taken” and “taking,” when used in reference to wildlife, mean to kill, capture, shoot, trap, catch, wound, possess, collect, seine, snare or net, and every attempt to do so.
XXVII. Take or Taking: Includes pursuing, shooting, hunting, killing, capturing, trapping, snaring, and netting wildlife, and all lesser acts, such as disturbing, harrying, worrying, wounding, or placing, setting, drawing, or using any net or other device…