Conduct a field investigation of a local watershed to explore how watersheds work, how much water flows through a localwatershed, and how watersheds provide for the needs of people and wildlife.

WILD Work Job Profiles and Videos
Environmental Lawyer

How to Become an Environmental Lawyer
How to Become an Environmental Attorney

Urban Planner

What is Urban Planning?
Urban or Regional Planner

Environmental Scientist

What Does an Environmental Scientist Do?
Become an Environmental Scientist

Conservation Biologist

What is the Job Description of a Conservation Biologist
Conservation Biology
What Is Conservation Biology?
Brian Gratwicke, Amphibian Advocate
Protecting Sea Turtles from the BP Oil Spill 
Endangered Mussels Released into the Clinch River

A biologist speaks about Spotted Turtles research and conservation
USDA Living Science Conservation Biologist

In Step with STEM Resource
Wetland Mapper