Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Michigan

Sec. 18. (a) All injurious insect pests and plant diseases which are liable to spread to other plants, plant products or places to the injury thereof, or to the injury of man and animals, and all trees, shrubs, vines, fruit plants, cuttings, scions, grafts, plants and plant parts, plant products and places within this state, infested with such injurious insect pests and plant diseases, and all species and varieties of trees, shrubs, vines, and other plants not essential to the welfare of the people of the state which may serve as favorable host plants, and promote the prevalence and abundance of insect pests and plant diseases, or any stage thereof, destructively injurious to other plants essential to the welfare of the people of the state, are hereby declared to be a nuisance; and all persons owning or controlling lands or places in this state, and all public authorities having jurisdiction over streets, highways, parks, and other public places shall keep the same free from all injurious insect pests and plant diseases and all species and varieties of plants declared by the provisions of this section to be a nuisance.;

Citation:  M.C.L.A. 286.218;