(a) Importation. Raptors brought into Vermont may be imported only under the authority of an importation permit from the Commissioner to a permitted falconer in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 4709. (1) Importation permits shall not be issued for the possession of species that are specifically prohibited by these regulations, by laws of the exporting state, the laws of the State of Vermont, or by regulations of the federal government. (2) A nonresident falconer may temporarily bring raptor(s) he or she legally possesses into Vermont. (b) Exportation. Raptors taken in Vermont shall not be permanently transferred or exported to another state without written authorization from the Commissioner. (c) Seizure. The Commissioner may seize a raptor if the person in possession of the raptor does not have a valid permit as required by these rules. (d) Sale of raptors. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 4902, a permittee may not sell, purchase, barter, or offer to sell, purchase or barter any raptor taken from the wild. (e) Transfer. A permittee may transfer a legally-held raptor to another permittee according to the restrictions in Section 9, including the electronic filing of the federal form 3-186A. (f) Release, Transfer or Euthanization. (1) A wild falconry raptor captured in Vermont that can survive for an extended period in the wild may be intentionally released in Vermont. Prior to release, any non-federal band shall be removed and surrendered to the Department, and a standard federal bird band shall be attached to the bird by the Department or a federally-permitted bird bander. (2) With the written authorization of the Commissioner, a wild falconry raptor captured in Vermont that is incapable of surviving for an extended period in the wild may: (i) be transferred to an approved educational facility, or to a breeding or rearing facility that holds a scientific collection permit for the species. (ii) be transferred to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. (iii) upon a veterinarian's recommendation a raptor may be euthanized in a manner that minimizes pain and stress, and the carcass disposed of either by donation to a public scientific or educational organization permitted to receive wild animals, or by burial or incineration. Notice of euthanization of any raptor possessed under this rule shall be provided the Commissioner within ninety six (96) hours. (3) Captive-bred birds shall not be released into the wild.
Citation: Vt. Code § 16-4-143:9.