1. In addition to the penalties for violations of this chapter and chapters 350, 461A, 481B, and 482, a person convicted of unlawfully selling, taking, catching, killing, injuring, destroying, or having in possession any animal, shall reimburse the state for the value of such as follows:...
d. For each reptile, mussel, or amphibian, fifteen dollars...
Citation: I.C.A. § 481A.130.
1. It is lawful for licensed commercial fishers, commercial turtle harvesters, and commercial roe harvesters to pursue, take, possess, and transport any commercial fish or their parts, bait fish, turtles, frogs, salamanders, leeches, crayfish, or any other aquatic invertebrates for bait unless otherwise prohibited by law...
Citation: I.C.A. § 482.8.
1. A person shall not sell minnows, frogs, crayfish, or salamanders for fish bait without first obtaining a bait dealer's license from the department upon payment of the license fee. A licensee shall comply with all laws pertaining to taking, possessing, and selling of bait handled by the licensee. If convicted of violating a provision of this chapter or a rule adopted pursuant to this chapter, a licensee shall forfeit the licensee's bait dealer license upon demand of the director.
2. When taking bait from lakes and streams, bait dealers shall take only the size of bait which they can use, and shall return all small minnows and frogs to the water immediately.
3. A minnow and bait box and a tank shall be open to inspection by the department at all times. A licensee shall have tanks and bait boxes of sufficient size and with proper aeration to keep the bait alive and prevent substantial loss...
Citation: I.C.A. § 481A.144.
1. All persons who commercially take, attempt to take, possess, transport, or sell turtles or turtle eggs shall possess an appropriate, valid commercial license. This subsection does not apply to an individual who buys turtles or turtle eggs from a commercial fisher or a commercial turtle harvester for personal consumption.
a. A commercial turtle harvester license is required to operate commercial gear and to take, attempt to take, possess, transport, sell, barter, or trade commercial turtles or turtle eggs. Nonresident commercial turtle harvesters shall harvest commercial turtles only from the boundary waters.
b. A commercial turtle helper license is required to assist a commercial turtle harvester in operating commercial gear, and in taking, attempting to take, possessing, or transporting commercial turtles or turtle eggs. A commercial turtle helper is not permitted to buy, sell, barter, or trade commercial turtles or turtle eggs. A commercial turtle helper license is not required for a person under sixteen years of age to assist a commercial turtle harvester as provided in this paragraph “b”.
c. A commercial turtle buyer license is required to engage in the business of buying, bartering, or trading commercial turtles or turtle eggs.
d. A commercial fisher license entitles commercial fishers to operate any licensed commercial gear and to take, attempt to take, possess, and sell, barter, or trade turtles or turtle eggs taken with such commercial gear.
2. It is unlawful to take, possess, or sell any species of turtles except those designated by the commission by rule.
Citation: I.C.A. § 482.11.
1. All commercial fishers, commercial turtle harvesters, commercial turtle buyers, commercial roe harvesters, and commercial roe buyers shall submit a monthly report supplying all information requested on forms furnished by the department. Reports must be received by the department no later than the fifteenth day of the following month.
2. Commercial fishers shall utilize a dated receipt with at least two parts, with one original and one copy of each receipt, that contains the species, number, and pounds of fish or turtles sold, bartered, or traded. Commercial fishers shall retain a copy of each receipt for five years following the transaction. A purchaser of commercial fish or turtles shall retain a copy of the receipt for as long as the purchaser is in possession of the fish or turtles.
3. Commercial turtle harvesters shall utilize a dated receipt with at least two parts, with one original and one copy of each receipt, that contains the species, number, and pounds of turtles sold, bartered, or traded. Commercial turtle harvesters shall retain a copy of each receipt for five years following the transaction. A purchaser of commercial turtles shall retain a copy of the receipt for as long as the purchaser is in possession of the turtles.
4. Commercial turtle buyers shall maintain accurate records of all transactions. The records shall contain the date, number, weight, and species of turtles purchased, the name and address of the seller, and the county or pools where the turtles were taken. The records shall be updated monthly. Such records shall be available for examination by employees of the department upon request. A commercial turtle buyer shall only purchase turtles from a licensed commercial fisher or commercial turtle harvester...
6. Facilities and records of commercial fish buyers, commercial turtle buyers, commercial roe harvesters, and commercial roe buyers shall be open at all reasonable times for inspection by any conservation officer.
Citation: I.C.A. § 482.14.
1. All persons who commercially take, attempt to take, possess, transport, sell, barter, trade, or buy commercial fish or their parts shall possess an appropriate, valid commercial fishing license. This subsection does not apply to an individual who buys commercial fish or their parts from a commercial fisher for personal consumption.
a. A commercial fisher license is required to operate commercial gear and to take, attempt to take, possess, process, transport, or sell any commercial fish, commercial turtles, or turtle eggs.
b. A commercial fish helper license is required to assist a commercial fisher or commercial roe harvester in operating commercial gear and in taking, attempting to take, possessing, or transporting commercial fish, roe species, roe, commercial turtles, or turtle eggs. A commercial fish helper is not permitted to buy, sell, barter, or trade commercial fish, roe species, roe, commercial turtles, or turtle eggs. A commercial fish helper license is not required for a person under sixteen years of age to assist a commercial fisher as provided in this paragraph “b”...
2. All intrastate and interstate shipments of commercial fish, turtles, turtle eggs, or roe or roe species, must be accompanied by a receipt which shows the name and address of the seller, date of sale, and the species, numbers, and pounds of the fish, roe species, roe, turtles, or turtle eggs being sold.
Citation: I.C.A. § 482.10.
1. A person shall not use or operate commercial gear unless an individual is at the site where the commercial gear is being operated who possesses an appropriate valid commercial license. A commercial license is valid from the date of issue to January 10 of the succeeding calendar year...
3. Commercial fishers and commercial turtle harvesters shall provide and affix weather-resistant gear tags to each piece of gear in use. Each weather-resistant gear tag shall plainly show the name, address, and commercial license number of the licensee and whether the gear is fish or turtle gear.
4. Annual license fees are as follows:...
i. Commercial turtle buyer, resident $ 200.00
j. Commercial turtle buyer, nonresident $ 400.00
k. Commercial turtle harvester, resident $ 100.00
l. Commercial turtle harvester, nonresident $ 400.00
m. Commercial turtle helper, resident $ 50.00
n. Commercial turtle helper, nonresident $100.00
5. Commercial fish and turtle gear tags are required on the following units of commercial gear:
a. Seine.
b. Trammel net.
c. Gill net.
d. Entrapment nets.
e. Commercial trotline.
f. Commercial turtle trap.
Citation: I.C.A. § 482.4.
1. A boundary waters sport trotline license entitles the licensee to use a maximum of four trotlines with two hundred hooks in the aggregate and only on boundary waters. All boundary waters sport trotlines shall be tagged with the name and address of the licensee on a weather-resistant tag provided by the licensee and affixed above the waterline. A boundary waters sport trotline licensee is not permitted to sell, barter, or trade fish or turtles taken pursuant to the license.
2. A valid fishing license issued pursuant to this chapter entitles the licensee to take and possess a maximum of one hundred pounds of live turtles or fifty pounds of dressed turtles. Any unattended fishing gear used to take turtles pursuant to a fishing license shall be tagged with the name and address of the licensee on a weather-resistant tag provided by the licensee and affixed above the waterline. A fishing licensee is not permitted to sell, barter, or trade live or dressed turtles taken pursuant to the license...
Citation: I.C.A. § 483A.28.
1. A commercial fisher, commercial turtle harvester, or commercial roe harvester licensee must be present when commercial gear is operated. A commercial fish helper or commercial turtle helper shall not operate commercial gear except under the direct supervision of a commercial fisher, commercial turtle harvester, or commercial roe harvester. A nonresident commercial turtle helper is licensed only to assist a licensed nonresident commercial turtle harvester. Commercial gear shall be lifted and emptied of catch as provided by the rules of the commission. Constant attendance by the commercial fisher of seines, trammel nets, and gill nets is required when the gear is fished by driving, drive-seining, seining, floating, or drifting methods. Officers of the commission may grant a reasonable extension of gear attendance intervals only upon the request of a commercial fisher, commercial turtle harvester, or commercial roe harvester specifying why such an extension is necessary.
2. For the purposes of this section, “direct supervision” means that a commercial fisher, commercial turtle harvester, or commercial roe harvester must be in the same boat, within hand-signal distance, or within vocal communication distance, without the help of any electronic or amplifying device, of the commercial fish helper or commercial turtle helper being supervised.
Citation: I.C.A. § 482.7.
It is lawful for a person who is legally licensed to harvest commercial fish or commercial turtles to use commercial gear of a design, construction, size, season, and all other criteria established by the commission for taking those species of fish and turtles designated by the commission by rule.
Citation: I.C.A. § 482.5.
The director or any peace officer shall seize with or without warrant and take possession of, or direct the disposal of, any fish, furs, birds, or animals, or mussels, clams, or frogs, which have been caught, taken, or killed at a time, in a manner, or for a purpose, or had in possession or under control, or offered for shipment, or illegally transported in the state or to a point beyond its borders, contrary to the Code. All fish, furs, birds, or animals, or mussels, clams, or frogs seized under this section may be relinquished to a representative of the commission or disposed of.
Citation: I.C.A. § 481A.12.
A holder of an aquaculture unit license may:...
a. Sell bait, including minnows and frogs, propagated or raised within the licensed unit without having to obtain a bait dealer's license. However, aquaculture units wishing to take bait from areas other than their licensed units must also obtain a bait dealer's license...
Citation: I.C.A. § 481A.142.
f. For violations of section 481A.38 relating to the taking, pursuing, killing, trapping or ensnaring, buying, selling, possessing, or transporting any game, protected nongame animals, fur-bearing animals, or fur or skin of the animals, mussels, frogs, or fish or part of them, the scheduled fines are as follows:...
(3) For mussels, frogs, spawn, or fish, the scheduled fine is twenty-five dollars...
g. For violations of section 481A.38 relating to an attempt to take, pursue, kill, trap, buy, sell, possess, or transport any game, protected nongame animals, fur-bearing animals, or fur or skin of the animals, mussels, frogs, or fish or part of them, the scheduled fines are as follows:...
(3) For mussels, frogs, spawn, or fish, the scheduled fine is ten dollars.
Citation: I.C.A. § 805.8B.
Each trotline shall have the tags affixed to one end. Each hoop net, slat net, trap net, and turtle trap shall have the appropriate tag affixed to the end nearest the pot. Each gill net and each trammel net shall have the tags affixed to the float line nearest the shore stake, but when fished under ice, the tags shall be affixed to the float line nearest the take-out hole. Each seine shall have the tags affixed to one end.
Citation: I.C.A. § 482.6.