New York - Jurisdiction for Cats


e. “Wild animal” shall not include “companion animal” as defined in section three hundred fifty of the agriculture and markets law. Wild animal includes, and is limited to, any or all of the following orders and families: (1) Nonhuman primates and prosimians, (2) Felidae and all hybrids thereof, with the exception of the species Felis catus (domesticated and feral cats, which shall mean domesticated cats that were formerly owned and that have been abandoned and that are no longer socialized, as well as offspring of such cats) and hybrids of Felis catus that are registered by the American Cat Fanciers Association or the International Cat Association provided that such cats be without any wild felid parentage for a minimum of five generations,

N.Y. Envtl. Conserv. Law § 11-0103 (McKinney)

1. Any person over the age of twenty-one years possessing a hunting license may, and environmental conservation officers and peace officers, acting pursuant to their special duties, or police officers shall humanely destroy cats at large found hunting or killing any protected wild bird or with a dead bird of any protected species in its possession. 2. Every environmental conservation officer, forest ranger and member of the state police may kill any dog (a) pursuing or killing deer within the Adirondack or Catskill parks, at any time; (b) pursuing or killing any game or wildlife on a state-owned game farm or wildlife refuge; or (c) pursuing or killing any game or wildlife on a state-owned or leased wildlife management area, except a dog being legally used for hunting small game or for dog training. 3. Every park patrolman, park ranger and member of the state police, county police and town police may kill any dog pursuing or killing deer within any state park or state park reservation at any time. 4. At any time (a) any environmental conservation officer, dog warden, forest ranger or member of the state police, anywhere in the state, (b) any member of any town police within the limits of the town of which such member is an officer, (c) any member of the Westchester County Parkway police on any park, parkway or reservation owned or controlled by the county of Westchester or (d) any member of a police force or department of any county, city, town or village in which such member has jurisdiction and is regularly employed may kill any dog pursuing or killing deer and any coyote killing a domestic animal. 5. No action for damages shall lie against any authorized person for the killing of a cat, dog or coyote as provided in this section.

N.Y. Envtl. Conserv. Law § 11-0529 (McKinney)