2023-2024 Executive Committee
Effective September 11, 2024


Committee Charge:

*  Provide for the employment of and assign duties to an Executive Director and may approve the employment of subordinate employees, and related matters deemed necessary to further the work of the Association.

*  Annually approve a budget of itemized estimated expenditures required for the conduct of the business of the Association and may also provide for payment of legitimate expenses incurred in behalf of the Association.



Chuck Sykes, Alabama Division of Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries

Vice President:
Judy Camuso, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Amanda Wuestefeld, Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife

Past President:

Executive Committee

Paul Johansen, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources

Vice Chair:
Christie Curley, Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry


Ryan Brown, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

Kendra Wecker, Ohio Division of Wildlife

Ex Officio Voting Members

Celine Davis, Ecosystems Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship

Pete Hildreth, Iowa DNR-Conservation and Recreation Division

Mark Tisa, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife

Robert Boyles Jr., South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

Tim McCoy, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission


AFWA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda - September 23, 2024

AFWA Business Meeting Agenda - September 25, 2024

AFWA Business Meeting Agenda - March 29, 2024

AFWA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda - March 27, 2024