Update the “Stages/Phases” of Hunters and Target Shooters
Strategic Priority
Recruitment, Retention, Reactivation (R3) - Marketing
Project Description
Many current R3 and hunter education efforts incorporate the five “stages” or “phases” that describe hunter evolution and their “lifetimes” as participants in the sport. However, these phases are based on a study published 38 years ago (Jackson et al., 1984) that focused on male Wisconsin duck hunters. Hunting has undergone significant cultural, participatory, and communications shifts since 1984, and today, these phases are likely quite different for women and other critical demographics, as well as other types of hunting. Additionally, little information exists regarding target shooters' evolutionary stages. Basing today’s R3 efforts on the experiences of localized duck hunters nearly 40 years ago is likely a flawed strategy. Led by subject experts, this project will take a fresh look to identify how today’s hunters and target shooters move through these stages throughout their sporting lifetimes. Results will be provided for a national cross-section of hunters and recreational shooters, with breakouts for women and other audiences, from entry-level to experienced participants and all stages in between. Building on recent NSSF/Southwick research, statistical consumer segmentation techniques will be employed to scientifically separate hunters and recreational shooters into lifetime phases based on participants’ experiences, motivations, and preferences. Results will be presented via a graphics-based summary report, plus a detailed technical report that will be submitted for peer review and publishing. Distribution will include live and on-demand webinars, national and regional R3 committee and conference presentations, and posting to the R3 Clearinghouse for unlimited future access.
Project Facts
- Organization Name: Western Association of Fish And Wildlife Agencies
- Organization Status: NGO classified as 501(c)(3)
- State: Idaho
- Obligation: $188,683
- Start Date: 01-01-2023
- End Date: 12-31-2023
For years, marketers and R3 practitioners referred to the five “stages” or “phases” that hunters evolve through in their lifetimes in the activity. However, these phases are based on a single qualitative study published 38 years ago (Jackson et al, 1984) that focused on just Wisconsin duck hunters. Considering the significant cultural, participatory, and communications shifts since 1984, and that women and other demographics are critical components of the hunting community, there was a strong need to update research on this important topic. This report examines the motivations of today’s hunters as well as target shooters and how these might change throughout their lifetimes using quantitative research methods.
Approximately 4,200 U.S. hunters and target shooters were surveyed nationally regarding their current and previous motivations for participating in hunting and/or target shooting. Using the latest statistical techniques, respondents were separated into distinct segments, referred to as personas, based on their shared motivations to hunt and shoot. The survey also explored motivations when they first began and how these might have changed, which yielded a critical insight:
• Do not assume that hunters and target shooters’ motivations follow any type of prescribed evolutionary path as they age. It is not that simple. Many different reasons motivate people to start hunting and shooting. Then, motivations to participate evolve in different directions and at different paces for many while others’ motivations remain static.
To help better comprehend the major reasons why people hunt and shoot, four personas describing hunters and six describing target shooters were identified.
For more information read the report